Audit Defense

Audit Defense

At SALT Solutions, we recognize the challenges and complexities of facing a state audit. We tailor our audit defense services to protect your interests, minimize liabilities and ensure fair outcomes during audit proceedings.

What is Audit Defense?

Audit defense involves strategically representing your business during state tax audits. Our experienced team of tax professionals acts as your advocate, working tirelessly to defend your rights, challenge audit findings and negotiate favorable resolutions on your behalf.

The word “audit” used to be terrifying, but it no longer has to be.

Why Choose SALT Solutions for Audit Defense Services?

  • Thorough Analysis: During an audit, the state reviews your payment history and looks for underpayments it hopes will lead to significant liability. A state auditor will identify a sample they claim to be representative of your overall purchases, look for taxes unpaid or underpaid and extrapolate this sample multiplied to equal the statutory period of three or four years. Our team will conduct a thorough review to ensure it has the data necessary to respond to the auditor’s findings.
  • Expert Representation: From the initial notice through the sampling process, taxability determination and extrapolation, a company has many opportunities to incur unfair or inaccurate liabilities. Having an expert handle this process is vital to minimize liabilities. SALT Solutions has had many audits flip from significant assessments to large refunds.
  • Negotiation Skills: SALT Solutions specializes in working with state auditors to limit liability and can often identify refund opportunities through this process. Without expert representation and audit defense services, your organization could incur damaging liability, penalties and interest.
  • Peace of Mind: Managing the sampling process, arguing product taxability, negotiating penalties and interest and identifying refunds are all crucial in navigating this stressful and burdensome process—but you don’t have to face it alone. Rest assured you’ll be in good hands with our seasoned partners and tax consultants who have extensive audit defense experience.

The word “audit” used to be terrifying, but it no longer has to be.

Tailored Services for Your Business

We understand that every audit is unique, and we tailor our defense strategies to suit your specific circumstances and challenges. Whether you’re facing a sales tax audit, use tax audit or any other type of state tax examination, SALT Solutions provides customized solutions to address your needs.

Contact us today for support if your organization has been selected for an audit.

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